Presiding Commissioner - Les Cardwell
email: knoxcomm@marktwain.net
Eastern District Commissioner - John Greenley
email: knoxeastcomm@marktwain.net
Western District Commissioner - Bill Whiles
email: knoxwestcomm@marktwain.net
Phone: 660-397-2688
Fax: 660-397-2642
County Commissioners Office
107 N. 4th St. Suite F
Edina, MO 63537
Notice is hereby given that the Knox County Commission will conduct regular meetings at 8:30 a.m. on Mondays & Fridays in the County Commissioners' office. The tentative agenda of each meeting includes:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Reading of the Minutes
4. Approve vouchers & sign checks
5. Old Business:
6. New Business:
7. Discussion Points:
8. Agenda items for Next Meeting:
9. Adjournment: 12 noon (time may vary according to other obligations.)
Those wishing to meet with the County Commissioners for more than a 5 minute period must request to be added to the agenda 24 hours prior to the meeting date, otherwise, at Commissioners discretion.
Request to be placed on a Commission agenda may be made through Marlene Spory, County Clerk, at 660-397-2184 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday.Knox County Commission does not discriminate for any reason.
Please see below for New business items that have been added to the preset agenda.
New Business items:
Dec 30- Jan 3
Monday- 8:30 am Discuss & possible vote to approve Cyber Insurance policy
9:00 am Swearing-in Ceremony of 2025 Elected Officials in Courtroom
10:00 am Review 2024 Year-End Budget Total report
Friday- nothing scheduled
Jan 6-10
Monday- 10 am The tentative agenda of this meeting also includes a vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to 610.021.1 and 610.021.13
Friday- 10 am Amy Crawford, MODOt
10:30 am Echo Menges, Edina Sentinel
11 am The tentative agenda of this meeting also includes a vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to 610.021.1 and 610.021.13
Jan 13-17
Monday- 11:30 am Discussion & possible vote to approve signing FEMA Application for work to be completed
Friday- 9:30 am Mike Kindle & James Wilson, Macon E911 to discuss 2025 E911 Contract
10 am Amy Crawford, MODot
Jan 20-24
Monday- Closed in observance of MLK Day
Tuesday- Discussion regarding 2025 budget
Friday-10 am Knox County 2025 Budget Hearing
Jan 27-31
Monday- nothing scheduled
Friday- nothing scheduled
Feb 3-7
Monday- 11:30 am Discussion & possible vote to turn the administration of the FEMA grant over to NE Regional Planning
Discussion & possible vote to sign agreement for Knox County to be an Agri-ready Community
Friday- 9 am Jon Hill, Mark Twain Communications to discuss service
10 am Aaron Schmitz to discuss security quotes for County property
Feb 10-14
Monday- 9:30 am Visiting Rebel Run Bridge site
Friday- nothing scheduled
Phone: 660-397-2349
Fax: 660-397-3331
You may now pay your taxes with a credit card online here: paytax.knoxcountymo.org
107 N 4th St. Ste B
Edina, MO 63537
Phone: 660-397-2658 Fax: 660-397-2666
E-mail: knox.county.pa@prosecutors.mo.gov
***Please note: The Prosecutor's office has a new email, phone and fax numbers. Also, our office is now located in the Knox County Courthouse.
Phone: 660-397-4005 Fax: 660-397-2671
e-mail: kcrecorder@marktwain.net
PO Box 206
Edina, MO 63537
Phone: 660-341-8272
Fax: 660-397-2234
Phone: 660-397-2186
Fax: 660-397-3432
knoxcountysheriff@hotmail.com or cknoche@knoxmosheriff.com